Stop by for a tour at Bickford of Tinley Park
Relax in your favorite chair on the porch at Bickford of Tinley Park
Socialize with friends in the living room at Bickford of Tinley Park
We’re serving up snacks, beverages and service around the clock in the bistro at Bickford of Tinley Park
Enjoy restaurant-style meals served three times a day in our dining room at Bickford of Tinley Park
Celebrate special occasions in the private dining room at Bickford of Tinley Park
Enjoy a good book in the sitting area at Bickford of Tinley Park
Enjoy a good card game with friends in the activity room at Bickford of Tinley Park
Receive personalized, at-home treatment from our stylist in the salon at Bickford of Tinley Park
Our whirlpool bathtub creates a spa-like environment tailored to enhance your relaxation and enjoyment at Bickford of Tinley Park
Enjoy bird watching, gardening and barbecuing in our courtyard at Bickford of Tinley Park
Mary B’s living room provides a smaller, more intimate setting to encourage interaction at Bickford of Tinley Park
Mary B’s country kitchen helps establish routines, creates activities and triggers a sense of meal time at Bickford of Tinley Park
Residents can enjoy furniture covered in cozy fabrics in the Mary B’s living room at Bickford of Tinley Park
Enjoy the view of the outdoors from the sunroom at Bickford of Tinley Park
Get a new lease on life with a cozy apartment at Bickford of Tinley Park
Get a new lease on life with a cozy apartment at Bickford of Tinley Park
Get a new lease on life with a cozy apartment at Bickford of Tinley Park

Bickford of Tinley Park


Real Residents, Real Reviews

Knowing who to trust in this journey is hard — especially when your loved one’s health and happiness are at stake.

Reviews for Bickford of Tinley Park


overall score based on 147 reviews

  • 81
  • 33
  • 22
  • 7
  • 4

Reviews with Comments

  • Jul 15, 2024

    There doesn't seem to be any overarching communication structure. I need to know the right question to ask and find the right person to ask - ie after 2 months at Bickford, my mom still hasn't been evaluated for therapies, even though nursing, NP and dr all said there's a standing order. Also, nurses keep telling us my mom is spitting out medication, I asked DON what options we have, she said it can be crushed and mixed with pudding. My mom has been taking it that way for months - it seems that nursing hasn't communicated this to (name removed)?? It is not within the scope of my abilities to manage medications, therapies, and care, or we would have my mom living at home. What happened to the higher path where everyone is collaborating on patient care?

  • Jul 1, 2024

    It's a nice place, clean and the food is usually good. Staff is mostly very good.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    My mom is well taken care of and says she's very comfortable. We feel confident she's living the best life she could at age 90 and unable to live alone.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    I'm communicating what my uncle (name removed) has shared with me. He feels that the facility is always short staffed. Also he feels that his bathroom sink is not equipped for a wheelchair because he cannot get close enough to the faucet to wash his hands comfortably. And I don't feel that his room is vacuumed well and his sink area is not tended to (there is black gunk around the drain that I always need to clean when I visit). Thank you

  • Jun 1, 2024

    I have tried to see the video of my mom's falling episodes, but I am not allowed to see them.

  • May 1, 2024

    I dislike the easier monthly payments that only make things easier for Bickford. The way it is now works well. Now everything is easily tracked and could create so much more confusion on the residents' part. It should be up to each individual resident how they want to pay, but a paper invoice, paid by check should be an option. All in all, I think it is a good place for my mother to reside. I will say some (few) of the CNA's are not the most pleasant to the families when they visit, as if we are interfering with something. I want and hope to believe that they treat all the residents with respect when others are not around to see. I can't be sure. | Thanks, I hope things can be corrected to make things easier on the families. | So am I just responding to AI?

  • May 1, 2024

    Quite a few staffing changes. They were not all good. Nursing (name removed) outstanding leader. | Quite a few staffing changes. They were not all good. Nursing (name removed) outstanding leader.

  • May 1, 2024

    Overall my mom receives good care. If her room is being cleaned one would not know it. She's supposed to be receiving morning checks because she is insisting she showers alone. Not sure if that is happening because when I stopped in her bathroom floor had an inch of water on it. She couldn't remember how to turn off shower and was on the toilet. She doesn't remember to press her call button. Not sure how long she might have sat there if I hadn't stopped. Breakfast was over.

  • Apr 8, 2024

    My uncle has complained about the food. Eggs are cold. Sandwiches are dry (no tomatoes lettuce or mayo and mustard offered). Beef on the whole has been tough but better with the new chef. When chicken is served it's always the breast and probably not pounded thinner to make it tender. And he said they were served a meal that only had scalloped potatoes which he feels was odd. Also he said the nurse didn't have his morning meds until the next day!

  • Jan 2, 2024

    We've been experiencing some issues with communication regarding some health related issues my mom is having. I had to go above the head nurse and talk to (name removed). The communication hasn't really gotten better although it was evident there were attempts made. My mom was supposed to be given a cream as they called it for her sore bottom but 4 days later I went out and bought it myself. We waited from Thursday until Tuesday to get a result on a urine test and today I went to ask if they had it and the nurse said no. He faxed the lab and he then had the results and now says he'll send them to the doctor. I know it was the holiday but this is a very long time if she indeed does need an antibiotic. | And I appreciate you asking me for a review.

  • Jan 2, 2024

    I rated 2 because I was not notified that my mother has RSV and I'm the power of attorney for medical.

  • Dec 1, 2023

    (name removed) has been phenomenally helpful, so caring and diligent with my mom's needs!! We are so very grateful!!

  • Dec 1, 2023

    I was approved for a rate ceiling in September of 2021. Today I am paying $1K/mo over that ceiling

  • Oct 1, 2023

    Nursing and CNA care very good. Compassionate nurses and CNA's. Dietary is horrible. For 2 Sundays my dad has received 4 oz soup for his dinner. That is despicable. Please address this problem.

  • Sep 28, 2023

    Ultimately her residency at Bickford benefits her safety. As much as I would love to have her in her home with her things, she is much safer, her pills are regulated. She eats more often, and although her mind and memory is slowly failing, she remembers the important things and people. I waver; back-and-forth, as to whether taking her from there, and living with her in her own home would be better, overall, there are moments that might be, but her current situation gives her the independence that we believe she needs… Living with someone would not give her that autonomy. It’s not the autonomy we imagine for ourselves, but it is what’s right for this stage in her life. I can’t do everything she needs done, when I visit I never know what her mood will be. She has lost touch with lots of people but when I prompt her to reach out sometimes she’s not interested anymore. Then there are times that she misses that part of her life. As a daughter, I am doing the best I can to make her weeks pass smoothly and her days as happy as they can be. As long as she’s healthy and safe, I believe that Bickford provides the surroundings necessary for this stage in her life. Having a home and a pet to take care of are beyond her capabilities at this point, they’re beyond my capabilities at times. I just love her and so does my brother and we just want her to remain with us as long as she can, and be a part of our lives in whatever capacity that is. I am certain you'd want the same things for your Mom or Dad.

  • Sep 3, 2023

    My mother has not been eating because she continues to tell us the food is horrible, raw potatoes, burnt food, meat she can't chew. The only days she eats is when they order out from jewel or pizza. I've talked to the director and she has told me she is in the process of hiring a new cook, but in the meantime my mothers nutrition is a big concern, not to say she pays way to much monthly to not be fed well.

  • Aug 1, 2023

    They have been missing staff in the kitchen, so they are using other staff which is messing up things in other areas. My mother has been waiting way to long after pushing her button.

Did you know

Most senior living communities don’t share internal reviews

Know the Real Residents, Real Reviews Difference

Our Reviews

Real Residents, Real Reviews

  • From verified residents & families
  • Unfiltered
  • Solicited monthly
  • Current, ongoing & up-to-date

Other Reviews

Google, A Place for Mom, etc.

  • Can be written by anyone
  • Often come from people who don’t actually live there (i.e. just came for a tour)
  • Reflect a static, one-time experience
  • Partial picture

Why other senior living communities don’t share internal reviews

  • Most communities don’t solicit reviews on a monthly basis. Most surveys are annual and used for internal purposes only.
  • They’re caring for a frail, vulnerable population 24/7/365. Healthcare, by its very nature, can be messy, especially when you’re on around the clock. Service failures are almost inevitable in this context.
  • They know that some of the comments aren’t necessarily accurate
  • They don’t have the courage to be vulnerable. They want to control how prospective families see them.
  • They’re afraid it would hurt their sales and marketing efforts
  • They don’t trust the consumer to be able to handle the truth

Did you know

Bickford Senior Living’s happiness score is 2x the national average

Reviews FAQ

Bickford residents and families have frequent opportunities to participate in providing feedback throughout the year. Bickford sends out a comprehensive annual survey evaluating all aspects of a residents experience. Following this survey, Bickford sends out a monthly survey to see if we are making progress on improving their happiness levels. The responses to both surveys are posted on the website and remain there for a year.

Bickford is committed to transparency. That means posting all feedback – both positive and negative. Every review is included in our overall score (star-rating). However, we do not post comments that are libelous, profane or risk violating the privacy of our residents.

A Bickford Verified Resident Review is a review provided by a resident or family member/significant other that has been verified by Bickford as an authorized individual. Individual names are protected for privacy reasons.

Bickford has developed a program to improve resident happiness based specifically on the scores and comments of the surveys. Each Branch sets goals to improve targeted areas identified from the surveys. The actions that need to be taken are discussed as a part of each shifts daily stand-up meeting.

Due to the unique and personalized nature of our business, responses to reviews, if requested, happen individually.

Bickford of Tinley Park

Assisted Living & Memory Care

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