Welcome to Bickford of Moline
Relax in your favorite chair on the porch at Bickford of Moline
Snooze in your favorite chair in the living room at Bickford of Moline
Celebrate special occasions in the private dining room at Bickford of Moline
Food is best when shared with friends in the dining room at Bickford of Moline
Socialize with a good friend in the sitting area at Bickford of Moline
Relax in the warmth of the sunroom at Bickford of Moline
Our whirlpool bathtub creates a spa-like environment tailored to enhance your relaxation and enjoyment at Bickford of Moline
Get a new lease on life with a cozy apartment at Bickford of Moline
Get a new lease on life with a cozy apartment at Bickford of Moline
Enjoy bird watching, gardening and barbecuing in our courtyard at Bickford of Moline
We’re happy to coordinate your transportation needs to appointments aboard the Bickford bus HOWIE at Bickford of Moline

Bickford of Moline


Real Residents, Real Reviews

Knowing who to trust in this journey is hard — especially when your loved one’s health and happiness are at stake.

Reviews for Bickford of Moline


overall score based on 138 reviews

  • 78
  • 41
  • 5
  • 2
  • 12

Reviews with Comments

  • Jul 1, 2024

    I let Mom pick. 3 leaves room "for improvement." She feels new employees could use more training.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    The staff continues to excel. They are so kind and thoughtful with the residents. We have never had an issue that wasn't handled immediately. We love the coziness of the facility. Definitely would recommend Bickford to anyone looking for a place for a loved one.

  • Jun 4, 2024

    5 | The staff is doing a great job. A big thanks to (name removed) for getting Mom's plumbing issues taken care of quickly | The staff is doing a great job.

  • May 1, 2024

    The staff is very kind to the residents. They stay patient even when it must be difficult. You can tell they really care about what they do.

  • Apr 1, 2024

    The staff you have is outstanding. They are kind, thoughtful, caring, and respectful of the residents. The food is good. The facility is clean. I know you're having staffing issues like everybody else in the world but the ones you have are very good!! we came from a different facility and are very very happy with Bickford.

  • Mar 5, 2024

    Mom feels very safe at Bickford and says it feels like home to her. She enjoys the activities with (name removed), especially Bingo. She enjoys getting her hair done with (name removed). (name removed) always go out of their way to help with with any medical issues/questions. If we have other questions, (name removed) gets right back to us. Mom's only complaints are she does not care for most of the food and she has been bypassed for a couple of showers. In summary, Bickford is a great place for mom to be. I always highly recommend Bickford to anyone searching.... Thank you for taking such good care of my mom!

  • Feb 1, 2024

    Very appreciative of the team ordering & installing a new Heater/AC unit in a very timely manner.

  • Nov 1, 2023

    The staff is attentive and helpful. They are kind and not condescending toward the residents. Any issues are addressed immediately. The food is delicious and served warm. It's very hard to leave a loved one in someone else's care. I feel very confident that my mom is in excellent hands.

  • Nov 1, 2023

    Thank you to (name removed) and the staff for additional work in getting Mom's shingles diagnosis and treatment. Staff provides compassionate care. Glad (name removed) is on board and regular activities are happening again.

  • Nov 2, 2023

    the caregivers are doing a great job. This is the 2nd time in 1 1/2 years that the residents have been without hot water for a week. I feel this is unacceptable. If this is an old system maybe it should be updated to avoid further issues

  • Nov 1, 2023

    It has been so nice to see my mom getting involved in activities this last month

  • Oct 1, 2023

    I really appreciate (name removed) calling me with Mom's swollen jaw which is probably a bad tooth. The staff goes out of their way to respect each resident's needs and also creating a safe comfortable space for all

  • Oct 1, 2023

    Mom is still complaing about the food. Other than that mom is happy. She enjoys (name removed) snd all the activities she provides.

  • Oct 1, 2023

    2 | NOT HAPPY WITH ANOTHER FRICKING PRICE INCREASE. Again, my mom's room was not cleaned this past week. Happens frequently. Overlooked it in the past, but now that we are going to pay close to $10,000 a month, I can't anymore. Wastebaskets not emptied again. Garbage on my mom's bathroom floor. Unattended going to the bathroom and dining room because one of the aides tells her "she can do it." Unfortunately, not sure that we can OR want to keep her there anymore. Director is so oblivious and defensive whenever anything is reported, and so much more she is "oblivious " to. Sad. Former "LPN" making fun of and mimicking a resident. Aides/"nurses" on their phones ignoring residents. Outside at the same time. Very disappointing for the price we are paying! | I sincerely regret the message I sent in earlier. I have NO problem with the director. I mean the owners. I am just under a lot of pressure about money and keeping her there. I really do love this place. Sorry that my I my worries got the best of me. (names removed) are both great! | Oh, and please raise my rating to 4. Thank you. I'm so sorry I lashed out. Just under pressure, scared and frustrated.

  • Sep 11, 2023

    Variety of reasons recently.

  • Sep 3, 2023

    I like the smaller size and homey decor of the facility. The staff have been wonderful to me--always taking my calls, answering questions and helping me. They have been very kind and caring in the treatment my husband receives.

  • Sep 1, 2023


  • Aug 1, 2023

    All staff members have been supportive during this challenging time in our fathers care.

  • Aug 1, 2023

    I would like the staff to have name tags to wear. I have been coming out there for a year and a half 3 days a week and only know 3 peopl by name.

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Mom enjoys the staff at Bickford. She loves (Name Removed) who does her hair. She loves Bingo and some of the other scheduled activities. Mom HATES most of the food. Her only complaint. The food is too bland and of course is not cooked the way she cooks. We appreciate nurses (Names Removed) and all the others... We appreciate the Bickford staff! It gives us piece of mind knowing mom is safe and bring well taken care of.

  • Aug 1, 2023

    I would rate my satisfaction as 5 but sometimes there is not enough staff on duty.

Did you know

Most senior living communities don’t share internal reviews

Know the Real Residents, Real Reviews Difference

Our Reviews

Real Residents, Real Reviews

  • From verified residents & families
  • Unfiltered
  • Solicited monthly
  • Current, ongoing & up-to-date

Other Reviews

Google, A Place for Mom, etc.

  • Can be written by anyone
  • Often come from people who don’t actually live there (i.e. just came for a tour)
  • Reflect a static, one-time experience
  • Partial picture

Why other senior living communities don’t share internal reviews

  • Most communities don’t solicit reviews on a monthly basis. Most surveys are annual and used for internal purposes only.
  • They’re caring for a frail, vulnerable population 24/7/365. Healthcare, by its very nature, can be messy, especially when you’re on around the clock. Service failures are almost inevitable in this context.
  • They know that some of the comments aren’t necessarily accurate
  • They don’t have the courage to be vulnerable. They want to control how prospective families see them.
  • They’re afraid it would hurt their sales and marketing efforts
  • They don’t trust the consumer to be able to handle the truth

Did you know

Bickford Senior Living’s happiness score is 2x the national average

Reviews FAQ

Bickford residents and families have frequent opportunities to participate in providing feedback throughout the year. Bickford sends out a comprehensive annual survey evaluating all aspects of a residents experience. Following this survey, Bickford sends out a monthly survey to see if we are making progress on improving their happiness levels. The responses to both surveys are posted on the website and remain there for a year.

Bickford is committed to transparency. That means posting all feedback – both positive and negative. Every review is included in our overall score (star-rating). However, we do not post comments that are libelous, profane or risk violating the privacy of our residents.

A Bickford Verified Resident Review is a review provided by a resident or family member/significant other that has been verified by Bickford as an authorized individual. Individual names are protected for privacy reasons.

Bickford has developed a program to improve resident happiness based specifically on the scores and comments of the surveys. Each Branch sets goals to improve targeted areas identified from the surveys. The actions that need to be taken are discussed as a part of each shifts daily stand-up meeting.

Due to the unique and personalized nature of our business, responses to reviews, if requested, happen individually.

Bickford of Moline

Assisted Living

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