Bickford of Chesapeake
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Knowing who to trust in this journey is hard — especially when your loved one’s health and happiness are at stake.
A letter from Andy Eby Andy Eby Caregiver/Sales & Marketing
The decision to consider senior living is never an easy one. You’re looking for caregivers to help with situations that may have you feeling exposed and powerless. We understand that this is a vulnerable time for your family.
Here at Bickford, we believe that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength.
We honor the courage it takes for seniors and families to navigate the aging journey and we believe we owe you our vulnerability in return.
That’s why we display real reviews from our residents, both positive and negative. We’re not interested in cherry-picking feel-good comments from casual visits.
We aim to earn your trust by showing the full spectrum of feedback from internal monthly surveys of our residents and families. This is an uncommon practice in our industry.
Many of the reviews you’ll see are positive, serving as a testament to our “whatever it takes” commitment to helping residents live their best lives.
We interpret negative reviews through two lenses: First, some contain hard truths. It hurts to hear, but sometimes we deserve it. This feedback sharpens us, allows us to see where we fall short, and demands that we get better.
Second, some reviews arise from the unbearable emotional pain families feel as they watch a loved one decline. In these situations, our caregivers may bear the brunt of unrealistic expectations. As the saying goes, “Hurt people hurt people.”
We trust your discernment to distinguish between the two. Feel free to ask us about any review that raises questions or concerns. We believe that trust isn’t built on a facade of perfection but on honesty about our successes and challenges.
Thank you for considering placing your trust in us.
Andy Eby
Reviews for Bickford of Chesapeake
Reviews with Comments
This branch is severely understaffed and is a constant rotating door of new people. There are weeks that my dad does not get his shower on Friday nights. There are nights that my dad does not get his medication because there's no med tech. There are shifts where one aid is taking care of all 40 rooms. The pay that these AIDS receive is pathetic. Which is why you have a revolving door and why people keep leaving. Which I find very sad because my dad pays a separate fee every day for nursing level care and he does not receive that and these nurses certainly don't receive the pay that my dad is paying. It's the same story every time you send me these surveys. Nothing changes at this branch despite everybody telling me they're going to fix things. Oh, and don't even get me started on the wash because if I don't do it myself, it doesn't get done. | And I would appreciate some results. But clearly that's not going to happen.
It's always the same problems. Constantly new hires that if they are being trained, they're not listening my guess is they're not being trained. So many new people walking into my dad's room have no idea how to take care of him and me and my sister constantly calling up there to tell them to do things. My father pays $8100 a month and the care is not what he's paying for and his account is never credited when things aren't done properly. The wash, I have to go chase it down and get it done. Under-Staffed and obviously underpaying the nurses because it's a revolving door.
Bickford has really gone down hill in its service of his residents and families. The way the dining room is being run is horrible. Residents read what the menu calls for the day and a lot of the time it is scratched thru and something new is written because they don't have that food, or ran out. Where is the food going? Shouldn't the food be delivered to complete the menu? How does so much food disappear? This past month this has happen more than others. Residents and their families are paying for 3 nutritional meals a day. Some days they are receiving very little or bits and pieces of meals. This is not acceptable. If that is not bad enough where is the staff? There has been too many times that (name removed) - the maintenance man has stepped in to be the only cook for breakfast. How are staff allowed to call out without a replacement. He has done a great job and thank heavens he shows up because who would feed all the residents? What he gets sick what then? Who will send the residents back to their rooms hungry? Will their meal fee be credited? There has been so much staff changes this past year that how does the residents know that when they go to the dining room there will someone be there to fix their food. This uncertainty should not be placed in the residents shoulders. Residents live by routine. Time for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Bingo time, live music. The first year Bickford Chesapeake was open it was amazing! The residents were always busy. Second year was a little less. And this past year it seem
The lack of training with all the new aides that are being hired is so concerning. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen the aides hook my dad's catheter bag to his lazy boy chair and not on his walker. If he were to get up to walk to the bathroom that would be a disaster. I have to watch his camera all dad and call up there to have things addressed ALL THE TIME. 3 rate increases in 2.5 years and my dad is now paying $8000/month and the care doesn't equal the cost. I could go on and on but you really don't care because I've been complaining about these issues for months and nothing changes
Understaffed. I've placed a camera in the room recently, with notice to the facility. There are many times, mostly on weekends when no one enters my mom's room for 8-12 hours, sometimes as long as 15 or more. Also, It is typical for my mom to choose not to go to meals and sometimes she is forgotten about for meals on weekends (typically B & L). Her laundry is often forgotten and we need to remind staff. Once washed, it often sits folded in the laundry room for days, until we notice and ask for it or go get it ourselves. The staff that IS there and working are great and I truly appreciate their hard work! It is typical that they treat my mom with kindness and love. They're just spread too thin to provide care to all the AL residents. Specifically I'll mention consistent and kind care from (name removed) . There are others as well who are on evenings and I do not know their names.
Our mother is not getting the care she deserves. She has fallen twice and laid on the bathroom floor for 4 hours until the EMTs came to help, since the BFMs did not respond.
There is a theft problem. Not sure what is being done, but obviously not enough!
I have noticed a constant turnover in the staffing and there's absolutely no training going on. There are brand new people that have no idea how to take care of my dad, get his laundry done, get him properly dressed, get him properly in his pajamas, remember to bring him to breakfast, remember to bring him to lunch and the list goes on and on. One day, the Aide had him stand up and walk without his walker to get into his chair which he fell into and then she clipped his catheter bag to his La-Z-Boy chair and not his walker. Very dangerous. I constantly watch his camera to make sure my dad gets the care and I call up there constantly to remind them of HOW to take care of him. There are constantly new hires and NO TRAINING
Lacking some more workers to cover better. Need to train new workers better. The nurses there like (names removed) are amazing. (name removed) the recreation coordinator is fabulous but if you don't pay your workers well they will leave.
I was disappointed that a violent, angry patient was allowed to be with our vulnerable residents. It was a bad result, but could have been worse. I saw that gentleman made a fist threatening one of your staff and he is very muscular. Many of your patients are so vulnerable, you need to screen thoroughly. Beside this incident, I do love Bickford for my husband.
my dad, Walter Quigley, continues to have his dentures put in his mouth with no poly grip. I've spoken to Martha about this many times and for some reason the a.m. aids think his dentures stay in his mouth by magic. They have no idea to put poly grip on the dentures so that they don't fall out while my dad is eating. Another problem is the speed of the Wi-Fi in the residence room is pathetic. I'm trying to run a system that enables me to change my dad's channels with an app on my cell phone and it's not working because the Wi-Fi is so slow. I've done some research and I understand the Wi-Fi is supplied by The Bickford corporation and the slowness is an issue in the entire building, including the staff. 52 rooms on one Wi-Fi is definitely not working.
There are a few things that critically affected our dad moving into Bickford. First, there was no orientation at all for the resident or his family. We didn't know how meals worked, how dad would receive his medications, how to sign dad in and out, etc. Second, my dad was exposed to a contagious viral infection within the first week of moving in. This resulted in him being hospitalized for pneumonia. There were no precautions taken to avoid exposing healthy residents from an obvious illness among his neighbors. The last item that I will cover here is that I found it surprising that there is apparently no process or procedure for taking medications in or out. Medications were handed back and forth in grocery bags with no record being made of the exchange.
My mothers room HVAC control continues to be a challenge for her Room temperature today was 80 Not sure why this is a continuous challenge for her to keep cool Found not taken medication in her med cabinet Confirmed with nurse today this pill is for her cholesterol control Recommend one follow up on medication to ensure she takes the pills. Thank you
Something that would be helpful to the family members is placing a wagon or cart near the entrance for family members to use to bring groceries or other items to the residents.
As today, July 1st, my mother's post hospital discharge medication list (June 15th was the discharge date) does not match what is in the Bickford of Chesapeake's med system, nor have I received a response to my emails and nor have I received any information about the incorrect medication distribution investigation that I was told I would receive - the exact words were "in full transparency..."
For several weeks now, my dad's room is crawling with worms. Both myself and my sister have reported this many times to (name removed) and they keep saying they're going to spray and they have sprayed, but it has not addressed the problem. There are still multiple worms, crawling around my father's room. This is unacceptable. There's also a dead cockroach in his bathroom. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Very happy with the care my mother gets from Bickford.
If you want to know my comments, you can call me
The morning BFMs that dress my dad don't appear to read or follow his care plan. Most times my dad's teeth fall out because they NEVER use any Polygrip to help his teeth stay in. They don't put his compression socks on him so I threw all his other socks in the garbage so that they don't have any other options but to put his compression socks on. I have sent emails, made phone calls and even typed up his morning and nightly routine and hung it up ALL OVER HIS ROOM and still something is missed most days. It's great to have a care plan and to keep it up-to-date, but it doesn't appear that they read it so what's the point?
New staff is being added everyday and it's hard on them to be sure if doing the little things that need to be done. They are stretched very thin. When your activities director can't do activities because she's driving the bus to medical appointments...that's a problem. Also we have to wait two or three days into the new month for the newsletter with schedules and menus. This makes it hard to plan.
Did you know
Most senior living communities don’t share internal reviews
Know the Real Residents, Real Reviews Difference
Our Reviews
Real Residents, Real Reviews
- From verified residents & families
- Unfiltered
- Solicited monthly
- Current, ongoing & up-to-date
Other Reviews
Google, A Place for Mom, etc.
- Can be written by anyone
- Often come from people who don’t actually live there (i.e. just came for a tour)
- Reflect a static, one-time experience
- Partial picture
Why other senior living communities don’t share internal reviews
- Most communities don’t solicit reviews on a monthly basis. Most surveys are annual and used for internal purposes only.
- They’re caring for a frail, vulnerable population 24/7/365. Healthcare, by its very nature, can be messy, especially when you’re on around the clock. Service failures are almost inevitable in this context.
- They know that some of the comments aren’t necessarily accurate
- They don’t have the courage to be vulnerable. They want to control how prospective families see them.
- They’re afraid it would hurt their sales and marketing efforts
- They don’t trust the consumer to be able to handle the truth
Did you know
Bickford Senior Living’s happiness score is 2x the national average
Reviews FAQ
Bickford residents and families have frequent opportunities to participate in providing feedback throughout the year. Bickford sends out a comprehensive annual survey evaluating all aspects of a residents experience. Following this survey, Bickford sends out a monthly survey to see if we are making progress on improving their happiness levels. The responses to both surveys are posted on the website and remain there for a year.
Bickford is committed to transparency. That means posting all feedback – both positive and negative. Every review is included in our overall score (star-rating). However, we do not post comments that are libelous, profane or risk violating the privacy of our residents.
A Bickford Verified Resident Review is a review provided by a resident or family member/significant other that has been verified by Bickford as an authorized individual. Individual names are protected for privacy reasons.
Bickford has developed a program to improve resident happiness based specifically on the scores and comments of the surveys. Each Branch sets goals to improve targeted areas identified from the surveys. The actions that need to be taken are discussed as a part of each shifts daily stand-up meeting.
Due to the unique and personalized nature of our business, responses to reviews, if requested, happen individually.
It's the same issues as it was last year. Staffing and consistency. I'm not sure what's with the "banking hours"? There are workers & management there during the week 9-5 but evening and weekends it's a ghost town. Maybe 1 BFM for the whole place! The "feel" of the place is no longer positive. Stress and negativity is the energy now. No one seems happy and people walking out on their jobs seems to be the norm. This I believe falls squarely in management's lap. They have the wrong person at the helm and the place has been driven into the rocks. Something needs to change. We pay a premium price but no longer receive premium service. Everyone is strained, but they try to smile for the residents. I also see employees; I'm not calling them "family members" as I do not believe they are being treated as such; totally stressed out. Luckily they love the residents but feeling abused, or taken advantage of on the job is no way to live. I see the resident population shrinking due to folks choosing other facilities. I mean what does it take to make a change!